Road safety barriers and civil engineering
With several years of experience in the market of vehicle restraint systems and thanks to many worldwide cooperation, the Center for Research in Metallurgy CRM Group has contributed greatly to the development of innovative solutions in the field of safety barriers. These solutions combine the best in the steel industry, the best anti-corrosion coatings, as well as more performing and sustainable designs.
Many road safety barriers have already been developed for projects in Europe, in North & South America and South Africa: these new solutions contribute to the improvement of road safety.
CRM Group is also actively involved in several standardization committees including the technical committee CEN TC 226 dealing with the revision of the European standard EN 1317 for restraint systems. At national level, our company is involved in REC-E226 (Road Equipment Commission) and attends the working group of the “Commission Sectorielle” chaired by COPRO.