As an independent and recognised collective research centre, CRM group benefits from financial support from the Belgian and regional authorities, as well as from the European Commission.
CRM Group is notably eligible to various specific funding mechanisms to finance R&D, innovation, guidance, technological support and services, such as:

  • “Chèques technologiques” in Waloon Region
  • “KMO-portefeuille” in Flanders (under finalisation)
  • “Crédit Impôt Recherches” in France

On the top of that, CRM Group is active in setting-up, coordinating or participating to numerous research projects financed at European level through various R&D funds, programmes and project calls, among which the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, H2020 (SPIRE, FoF, EITs, etc).

Research Fund for Coal & Steel

Horizon 2020

