
Ferrous metals are rightly so regarded as one of the best recycled and recyclable materials, but more attention should be paid to selective recycling and reuse. Through a number of selected case studies, many on-site visits and the use of pre-treatment technologies we try to improve on this ‘value-in-use’ principle. CRM Group, Clusta and Sirris are presenting the results of these on-site visits and case studies and some general outlines in the #CLEANSCRAP webinar on January 21st. You can register via the link and select either of the dates. After the webinar, we want to offer you the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one meeting with the experts. Would you like to make use of this? Please indicate it in the form and we will be in touch to see how you can improve the ‘value-in-use’ of your metals production or transformation process.

